Two Voice Singing

This two voice Nidra by Sivani Mata Francis and Uma Dinsmore-Tuli was recorded live on one of the Yoni Shakti Well Woman Yoga Therapy Teacher Training.

Intimate Mantra,Yoga Nidra ACUPRESSURE

This 22-min live healing session features an acupressure point rotation and lots of parasympathetic triggers.Based on multiple yoga nidra approaches and validated by firsthand experience, intimate mantra, yoga nidra employs breathwork, sensory withdrawal techniques, visualization, and sound vibrations to gently usher fellow life-travelers out of the knottiness of daily busyness and into the simplicity of the present moment, […]

Intimate Mantra, Yoga Nidra – Letting go into Yoga Nidra

This 34-min live session features a short equal-length breath exercise leading to relaxation toward yoga nidra. Based on multiple yoga nidra approaches and validated by firsthand experience, intimate mantra, nidra employs breathwork, sensory withdrawal techniques, visualization, and sound vibrations to gently usher fellow life-travelers out of the knottiness of daily busyness and into the simplicity of the present moment, while promoting emotional […]

Intimate Mantra, Yoga Nidra – INCEPTION (Safe Place)

This 36-min live session features a short equal-length breath exercise leading to a practice within a practice.Based on multiple yoga nidra approaches and validated by firsthand experience, intimate mantra,  yoga nidra employs breathwork, sensory withdrawal techniques, visualization, and sound vibrations to gently usher fellow life-travelers out of the knottiness of daily busyness and into the simplicity of the […]

Intimate Mantra Yoga Nidra em portuguese (Brasil)

33 minutos. Baseado no poderoso sistema da Cabala, este ritual de cura assume a forma de uma sessao de yoga nidra para levi¡-lo a um estado de tranquilidade e plenitude. Sente-se ou deite-se confortavelmente, deixe o raciocinio de lado e permita que a pra¡tica aconteca por conta propria…

Intimate Mantra, Yoga Nidra – KABBALAH

31 minutes. Based on the powerful system of Kabbalah, this healing ritual takes the form of a yoga nidra session to bring you to a state of ease and peacefulness. Simply get comfortable, set all reasoning aside and allow the practice to happen on its own

Consciente de ser consciente

30 minutos. Es una practica profunda en cual reconocemos nuestra esencia, la consciencia desde nuestro aparente Yo separado. Estar conscientemente en la presencia de la consciencia desvelandola de una manera directa progresivamente. La consciencia es intimimente impersonal, inherente e inmutable. Es una pra¡ctica para crear y desarollar la ecuanimidad desde un reposo restaurador. 

May 2021 Summer is late and waiting on the Holy Spirit

There’s a sense of being a little stuck and unsure what is next. Recorded on the eve of the next stage of lockdown easing, mid May but summer that should have started May 1st still not really here: temperatures are down on yearly averages, soggy blossom is stuck on the trees unpollinated, farmers say crops are […]

The Story of Bhusunda

The inspiration for this Nidra comes from the teachings of the Yoga-Vasistha and the story of Bhusunda. Bhusunda is an enlightened, peaceful, person, born of goddesses, manifest as a crow, on a wish-fulfilling tree on Mount Meru (another name for sushumna) which peaks in the heavens. This nidra follows the practise of contemplation of the life-force (prana), […]

Yoga Nidra for Balaka

Balaka is a Lunar Nitya and and aspect of Kali.  She comes to visit us 12 nights after the Full Moon.  She is the Goddess of Self-Indulgence. Music on this Yoga Nidra is provided by Kevin MacLeod. If you want to know more about Bakaja you can watch this video explaining her symbols. If you want […]