Nidra for Midwives & Shift Workers

A short, nourishing practice specifically for midwives or shift workers whose sleep patterns may be disturbed. Sufficient rest is key to all aspects of mental health. Emotional and cognitive resilience is nurtured by sleep. Our immune systems are depleted by lack of rest and under-slept people make poor choices. Sleep deprivation and disruption is a widespread […]

Rhythmic Yoga Nidra to remind me how to rest

This twelve and a half minute yoga nidra practice by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli is in metrical verse, with a strong hypnotic rhythm. It is one of the yoga nidra practices included in the Treasury of Transcripts in the Nidra Shakti Encyclopaedia of Yoga Nidra. A very effective short practice to revive and restore rhythmicity and vitality. […]

Consciousness flow deep relaxation

This nidra is in Chinese. This is a nidra that invites you to feel the flow of consicousness around the body through the process to help you slow down and relax deeply

Bedtime Nidra Floating in Space

In this 16 minute nidra that was recorded in a studio with professional equipment (so good quality sound and no background noise or snoring yogi’s 😉 you will be floating in space guided by dreamy sansula sounds.. there is no waking up at the end of this nidra so you can drift off in your dreamworld […]

Wild Dusk Nidra with River Sounds for Sweet Sleep

17min Wild Nidra for falling asleep to, recorded by the Rio Brugent (the Babbling River) in Catalunya as the sun was setting. With starry night rotation on marma points and a gentle journey down the dream river. Some queues are based on the female anatomy.

A 30-minute journey to unwind tensions and awaken Joy

A 30-minute permissive yoga Nidra to transform your tensions, to unwind and feel more energized.  Allow your body to deeply rest, relax and let yourself be guided into a place where you may have been already and where you know you feel SO at ease and at peace that all tensions & worries melt away. It can be done […]

Autumn Equinox 2020 Yoga Nidra and Crystal Alchemy Sound Bath

This 50 minute live afternoon session was recorded coming up to the Autumn Equinox 2020.  It is intended for deep relaxation and as such is not suitable for listening whilst driving or doing tasks. Listening with headphones at safe volume levels is best. Contraindications for sound healing are early stage pregnancy, epilepsy and pacemakers.

Nidra Journey Session 6: Awareness

This yoga nidra leads your through the kosha layers of body, breath, emotions, thoughts and love before guiding you to sense yourself as awareness…the unchanging in which ever-changing experiences arise and dissolve. This nidra is infused with sound healing vibrations of Tibetan singing bowls. It is the final nidra from Myriam’s Nidra Journey.