gulcin tuna dines

Birmingham, United Kingdom
Total Yoga Nidra Teacher Training (with Yoga Nidra Network)
Practising yoga has taught me how to identify problems and to create choices in solving these. I have found it brings with it a way of living life with greater happiness. Yoga has shown me how to be a spiritual person without do's and don'ts. It has opened me to love, companionship, tolerance and forgiveness and helped me to be more calm and focused. The most beautiful thing about yoga is that you always continue to be a student because there is always something new and interesting to study and learn. This is even more true as a teacher of yoga as I am constantly learning new ways to help people I teach. My classes are based a number of principles including: Creating kinaesthetic body awareness to help body-mind-breath unity Finding your inner teacher and engaging in internal dialogue regarding your thoughts and feelings during pranayama, meditation and asana practice Creating awareness of breath as energy and postural alignment to enable therapeutic healing both spiritually and physically You will find yourself mentally more flexible, balanced and physically lighter and energetic both on the mat and off the mat.