Special Yoga

Yoga Nidra Teacher Training (with another organisaton)
AT SPECIAL YOGA WE BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE SPECIAL, REGARDLESS OF YOUR ABILITIES, APPEARANCE, CULTURE, GENDER, RACE OR ANY ASSUMPTIONS SOCIETY HAS PLACED ON YOU. WHAT WE OFFER AT SPECIAL YOGA IS FOR YOU, NO LABEL CHANGES THE POSSIBILITY FOR POSITIVE CHANGE. Over many years it has been a privilege and a blessing to share heartfelt therapeutic yoga practises with thousands of children with special and additional needs all over the world, their families, educators and paediatric professionals. We see again and again that the extraordinary power of working from the heart with Special Yoga allows us to truly reach our full potential. That potential is not only physical, but also mental, emotional, physiological, energetic and spiritual. We guide the adults around the children to be as open, compassionate and peaceful as they can because we know that 'Your state matters'. Through the practise of Special Yoga we want children to thrive. We want them to gain strength and balance in every way, to find peace in their hearts and fulfil what they have come into this life and this body to do. The methodology we share at Special Yoga gives them this opportunity. Yoga is a lifelong practice for developing inner peace and calm. Taking the child out of stress and into a relaxed state creates the optimum condition and possibility for positive change.